Sunday, September 13, 2009

Brain juice dried up.

I need nourishment. Something to compensate the dried brain juice of mine.

I feel so stressful that I couldn’t stop eating. Chocolate especially.

Spending on food is always the best investment, as it comes back with good returns (Lai, 2009), in the form of fat and cholesterol, which is exactly the problem I’m facing at the moment. Sooner or later I will not be able to fit in any of my jeans, and I will look so fat that no one will adore me anymore. Boohoo.

But no. Diet during exam period is a big no no because the brain won’t get enough of nutrients and the study performance wouldn’t be good. So, I’m just sacrificing for the sake to maintain my CGPA. *self-console*

Not that I want to rant, but Entrepreneurship is really giving me big problem. Still I have to bear with it, I have got no choice, do I?

Whatever it is, What ever pro forma this and that I will conquer YOU!


Mike Cheong said...

All the best to you... Gambateh ya!!! And by the way, check out my new photo blog...

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