Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy lady.

Being a happy lady for a night, leaving all the mess behind.

KLCC –Subway – Kinokuniya – Gforce – Cold storage – Station 1 – Home Sweet Home

Now sitting in front of lappie, blogging away :)

Half day of rest is acceptable right, after putting so much strain on my brain.

I’m way too stressed in the past week, to the extend that I don’t get quality sleep every night and tend to talked, even sang and sighed in the dream which is horribly terrible.

Think that I should learn to love myself more, that’s the best way to love my parents, also the best way to repay them.

Boohoo. I miss home, mum and dad, sis and bro and the darlings.

Had this as my phone’s wallpaper.

DSC05320  The lovely girls :)

DSC05317Potato Jhu :)

So sad when came to think that I’ll be missing the fun at Melacca.


No matter what, Tomorrow will be a brand new day *winks*


Jhu said...

know you miss me, why potato jhu?
me too. :s

Vivian said...

Because you're huan jhu mah :)

Jhu said...

bo lei mao... ==

Sherril 雪乐 said...

sien liao lo.. why bo wa eh pic?

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