Monday, October 26, 2009

Feeling blue

Oh sigh, why is it Monday again? I have not had enough rest yet. *blues*

I’m feeling so reluctant to start working again. It felt so tired, both physically and mentally. I’m getting upset, and the feeling of disappointment strikes. Perhaps I should just stay strong, whatever hardship will be overcome eventually. Or maybe for the sake of the ‘scholarship’ that I may be getting, I should strive for it.


It has been quite some time since I took good photos. Hectic life has taken over all my free time and passion. Whenever I’m free, I would rather stay in the bed, slacking. Even shopping and movie couldn’t motivate me.

No way, I don’t want to live life like this. I miss picking up the camera and go shoot some stupid silly mini minor stuffs that makes me happy. I miss home. I miss pillow-talking session. I miss spending time together with him. I miss everything, the good old days. If there were a fairy to grant me a few wishes, those are the wishes! Fairy godmother, could you hear me?


yuiiTwo weeks ago, I finally cannot-tahan my hair anymore that I went for a hair do. The so called soft rebonding cost me a freaking RM300. I felt so pain for my purse, not to mention that my hair is much more shorter than the initial length :(

But now, I kind of love my silky smooth hair. So easy to manage that there’s one morning that I went Uni without combing my hair, but still looking tidy. Besides, it looks very natural so I guess the 300 bucks worth it all.


p/s: Wish me lots of luck for the coming week.

pp/s: Wish my baby Oryza grow well too. Muah.


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