Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For money and knowledge

Despite the hectic routine of FYP, I’m actually working part-time for now.

Erm, not exactly.

It is actually a 2-months training program by the government for retrenched workers and undergraduates like us.

The main point is, trainee will be given RM500 allowance per month.

Get to learn and get paid at the same time. So, why not?

Say me money face, I need money so badly.

My facial cleanser, toner and etc is running out.

And I always wanted to get a boyfriend blazer, a few more cute Tees and off-shoulder.

All these need money and more money.

Got motivation now :)


Results is out.


For no apparent reason, I have quite a high expectation but I’m fear of disappointment.

Let’s pray.


Sushi King for tomorrow.

Shopping on weekend anyone?


p/s: Updates on Kuching trip will be on weekend.

pp/s: Sore throat is going to kill me.


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