Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010!

01 January 2010

This year’s new year celebration is relatively simple, plus dull. Anyhow, simplicity is bliss, I guess. At least I got to count down to the new year with two of my favourite guys on PPS. Not too bad hmm.

Speaking about new year resolution, I failed big time in accomplishing last year’s resolution. *insert sad face* 2010 comes with even greater challenges as I am going to graduate in another 6 months time, *double sad face*

Happy or not, willing or not, this is a fact to accept.
Before that, I swear I’m going to enjoy the last six months of my uni life to the MAXXXX! :)

P.S. 2010 resolutions?! Bah~~ I’m LAZY……
PPS. Hoping to let the flame of passion keep burning :)


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