Saturday, October 3, 2009

How should I allocate the loves?


Though I can see lots of problems developing now, but I’ll find ways to the solution.

The key is to never give up!

Eliminate the blur-ness and the clumsiness

And increase skillfulness and efficiency.


Semester break resolution or to-be-accomplish list:

  Have all my love and efforts for FYP.

  Healthy lifestyle and diet.

  Cherishing the moments of friendship.

  Proper financial plan  :)

  Birthday surprises for XX

Improve photography skill (only if I manage to get a camera by this year)

  Family trip to GuangZhou/Hong Kong/Macau

  Complete FYP lab work, latest before Christmas??!! (Totally unsure)

  Year end Langkawi trip  :)

and a lot more.



Note to Dear baby Oryza

Please be obedient ok! I promise I won’t give up,

so don’t you ever give up growing too.


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