Saturday, November 28, 2009


I’m totally exhausted but I had a great day.

Crawl out from bed as early as 6.00am to join the guys and postgrad master students for a basketball session in Titiwangsa.

Started off my morning wonderfully with the warm greeting from the sun!

morning sky

Noticed some random grasses growing beside the court, where I sat.grasses

001  The guys, enjoying the game very much!

o Off to Times Square for movie marathon in the noon.

movie marathon  Ninja Assassin and New Moon is what we watched.

  Of course, not to forget, shopping therapy!!!

look of the day Loving my outfit of the day! I’m in love all over again with caps.

It’s a good way to a bad hair day :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

From my eyes

Oh hi. I have been through a very very hectic week.

Although it’s just Wednesday, I’ll call it a week! Mainly because I’ve done all my major planning for the week. I’ll sit back and anticipate the long long weekend ♥

It has been sometime, since I last took out my ‘camera’ to snap something, other than my portrait. Geez.

So, here’s something different. THINGS I SAW TODAY:

nitrogen assayI was doing Nitrogen assay for the past two days. The samples turn out to be in a very nice shades of purplish blue coloured solutions. Nicey. Made my day.

On the way home…………

the skyDuketower

END  :)

PS. Mum’s personal message on MSN is super cute. It sounds like this:


Aww… so cute, make me even miss her more. FYI, mum’s in China now, with daedee, which I believe is pretty cold over there.

Anyway, I’ve made up my mind to went back Penang on 11th Dec after thesis submission. Gosh. I missed Penang like mad, tears splash down when I was on the phone with Darl.

So, something to motivate and anticipate. I can make it!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weakness in me.

I don’t know why but I’m relatively weak at this point of life.

I need lots of support from friends and family.

A lot had happened since the past week. I have been haunted by bad luck and nightmares. Things just went wrong. It’s like whatever I did was wrong with silly mistakes over here and there.

I’m totally tensed up. Especially when the deadline is approaching and there’re so much more to be completed. I’ve already tried my best I would say, but just……… arghhhh…… frustrated.

Out of a sudden, I’m missing home a lot. Miss my family and my girls. I haven been seeing them for ages!

There’s really nothing much I could do now, I’m leaving everything to fate (a sign of partially give up). I just want bad luck to leave me all alone! *Looking forward to a better week ahead*

Oh yea, do expect me to be missing in action for an indefinite period of time. Also, please bear with my boring rants. I’m in the thesis writing process. Believe me, it’s like the toughest job in the world! I could barely came out with one page of introduction after a whole day of brainstorming. 

Should get back to my writing now. Have a nice day :)


I have the best Daedee in the world! I love him a lot!

Although it seems like I might most probably miss the China/HK/Macau trip end of the year,

but I can always make it next summer! *self-comfort*

The best of all is that, Daedee will be getting me a Crocs and a camera. Woots!

Daedee always got me expensive, quality stuffs while getting himself laoya cheap cheap stuffs.

I’m so touched and heartache at the same time.

The fact is Daedee loves us more than himself.

I do believe that every Daedee in the world is like that.

Love you, Daedee! *big wet kiss*


p/s: I forgot about Mamee. Love Mamee too.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am thanking the god

for bringing you to me.

for letting me to know you, though it’s not much of a pleasant experience.

Happy Birthday Dear! Muah.

Still the same old thing, I pray for your happiness.

May you achieve everything you desire.

You’re the best of all *hearts*

And you know I’ll always be around to support.

Happy 21st.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Don’t say anything.

Big sigh. I feel bad today. I have done a million of errors.

That just don’t make anyone feel good.

I’m living everyday numbly.

Though I’m clear about my target, I’m just not enthusiastic enough to strive for it.

It’s like I’m doing something just for the sake of something.

It’s like meaningless at all! And I don’t enjoy. I’m stressed.

I broke some glassware, I picked up the glasses with bare hands,

I cut my hands, my hands bleed,

but I don’t feel a thing. I’m numb.

I just hate myself today.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hehpy Birday

Sis just turned 19 yesterday.

What the heck, 19?! Makes me feel so old  :(

Yeah, I’m twenty one already. SAD.

So this is a belated birthday wish dedicated to her!

Happy 19th. Stay sweet and gorgeous.

May you pass all ACCA exam and be a very successful accountant, earn lots of money and share the money with me!

(You know lah, scientists are poor!)img037

This was taken after our kindergarten concert. Yeah, terrible makeup of mine.

Funny. Hahaha.



Key of Freedom?

Key of Love?

Key of heart?

Whatever you name it.

It’s my new buy from a random stall @ Ikano Power Center last week.

Vintage and I’m loving the details.

Somehow, I love my 3.2mp SE K810i camera phone lots because it can take very nice macro.

Not very macro kind of picture, but with a little editing, the outcome is awesome.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

FYP update



This is what I am doing for my final year project. Baby oryza actually refers to rice which scientific name is Oryza sativa.

I’ll be slightly busier than usual starting next week as I’ll be doing Biochemical tests again. Apart from that, I’ll need to work on thesis which due on 10th Dec.

So, good luck to me.

Spring Waltz

swsw1Spring Waltz is the name of the beautiful, sweet and romantic Korean drama.

Love the girl in the drama. Love how she’s positive to life.

Love the scenery in Austria and Cheongsan-do.

Love the soft comfy background music.

Everything is love! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Don’t know why

Every time we came across this topic, it won’t end up in a very good atmosphere.

I can’t say yes. Can I? Neither do I know how to react, what kind of response to give.

I don’t know lah. I really don’t know.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I don’t know what to give as title

Oh seriously, I should get my hands on thesis writing; starting with introduction and literature review. Or else, I’m going to be in real deep shit when my boss requests for the submission of the first draft.

Still struggling around. To be frank, I’m a little sad for my baby oryza are not growing that well. Anyway, I should feel lucky because they are still growing. *shrug* And I was about to kill myself when I realized that I have made a major, deadly mistake for one of my previous BE test. Oh gosh, it was terrible. The only option now is to REDO :(

May everything goes on smoothly as planned. Baby, please grow healthy and tall.

Note to self: Don’t give up. Never.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend summarized


18.00: Steamboat at Hometaste (Birthday Celebration for Chiau Thong)

23.00: Pillow talking session with Appa, Greg and Ric

04.00: Bed

Boyfriend's shirt


08.00: Off to Jln Kuchai Lama for Dim Sum

10.00: Sunway Pyramid

14.00: Baskin Robbins as lunch

15.00: Off to Ikea

16.00: Lecka-lecka for tea

17.00: Ikano Power Center, Shopping spree in Brands Outlet

19.00: Dinner at Ikea

20.00: Carrefour @ Tropicana City

21.30: Home


09.00: Woke up

10.00: Dozed off

12.00: Woke up, Drama, Strawberry Strudel for lunch

14.00: Dozed off again

15.00: Drama then dozed off again

18.00: Dinner with the gang

19.00: Slacking






Should I save up for a RM650 Rayban? Or a Topman?

End up, I’m spending all on myself. Got 2 cute basic tees and a white short.

Sinful. So sinful.

Ironically confused and lost.

Password Protected.

Click here.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Obviously, the one and only thing that can give me headache is FYP lah.

The biochemical test result fluctuates like nobody’s business. Oh gosh. What am I supposed to do? *brainstorming……troubleshooting*

That is when I realized that there’re so many things that are beyond our control.

All we can do is do our part, try our best?

Also, everyone has their own problem.

When I thought I was the most pathetic one in the whole batch, everyone seems to be struggling as well.

And so from the previous experience during internship at USM plus this FYP, I’m assured that I’m not a research person. Therefore, I can just forget about doing Master, unless if I am jobless. Enough said.


I think I should be more health conscious.

I suspected that I am having low blood pressure or maybe something more severe as I always feel dizzy while working in the lab.

Hah, so mum said, “Never take care of yourself, work so hard, in the end you get great result but bad health, what for?”

I replied, “So, it’s enough to get a PASS, no need get A lah horr?! Then I can rest more lor.”

Mum, “…………………”

Just a joke anyway. Mum and Dad always have high expectation on me, I knew, although they don’t really mention about it.

Same goes to my boss. You see. That’s why I am so stress lah.



Thanks god it’s Friday! Lots of program over the weekend. Geez. Not enough cash!

Love is in the air!

I mean it’s like everywhere! Seriously.

I can see and feel love budding everywhere!

blah Makes me feel like in love too.

To find the right one is just not easy at all! So happy loving each other!

For me, I have Lee Hom and Hsiao Ming, yea and maybe *ahem*

Good enough while waiting for the white horse of my prince to grow up :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Miss Potato

Oh yea, before I forgot and before it’s too late,

Happy Birthday to Darling Jhu.

Muacks. Sweet 21 :)

jhu1  Stay pretty and gorgeous as ever! All the best in finals.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This is what I have in mind.

When you kept chasing after Perfection

while Perfection is kept running away from you

Until a point of time,

you will eventually stop running, stand still and said,

“It’s okay. I’ll let you go.”

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I am officially in Love

with Taiwan braised pork rice :)

bpr *drools*

I can have them as lunch and dinner, everyday. I am so craving for it now.

DSC0903211  and these baby cherry tomatoes are my love.

Plus, a dose of Baskin Robins heals my stress :)


But sighs. Monday’s here.

Have to start working again.


The Many Faces of Me.

