Monday, August 31, 2009

The Proposal

Nope. No one proposed.

It’s the movie :)DSC08875 It’s was great, too bad too much of interferences.

Finally, we get to have some good talk :)

I was really happy to see the stars in your eyes.

They were sparkling when you talked about your favorite.

So passionate, so real, so cheerful and so you.


Walking down the night streets, under the reflection of KL tower,

night breeze blew away my sorrow bringing me your sunshine smile.



A nice movie nice meal plus a great companion.

Simplicity is love, isn’t it?

31st August

It has been 2 years. Exactly 24 months, 730 days :)

Do you still ever remember?

Miss Emo.

Why on earth is there such a Miss Emo like me?!

DSC08269 I hate you Miss Emo!

Would you stay away from me?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Curls of love.



DSC087381 The hair is too layered, that’s why the curls doesn’t look that good.

Midterms and everything are done! And here comes the long Merdeka weekend. Woooots.

I kinda regret for decided not to go back Penang. Yeah, because I’m so poor that I can’t afford the bus ticket :(

The house is almost empty over the weekend. Anyway, home alone is kinda not bad. I am so used to loneliness.


p/s: Sunday is anticipation! Outing with BL :)



Blue sky. DSLR needed for better quality photo.

So DSLR, yes? no?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Peepoo Peepoo….

Happy 21st! 

To me :)

I have to smile, because it’s my big day!

Once in a life time, like what Boon Leong said.

Had a very simple but wonderful celebration last night. I know, my friends were trying their best to carve a smile on my face. I am happy but I cried a lot. I cried when talking to mum, when I got dad’s message, even when a warm message were received.

I….. I really don’t know how to describe my feelings! It’s weird. Anyhow, on this big day, I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents. Without them I would not have exist in this world. And thanks for supporting me always, loving me and accepting me as who I am. ♥

Next, special thanks to my lovely friends, course Peemates, old time classmates, some random strangers on Facebook for the birthday wishes. Thanks you TeFourz for the birthday surprise! And MinZhin too, for the very lovely poem :) The efforts are priceless, really appreciate it!

Really ♥ you guys a lot. You guys paint my life! You guys rocks!



Oh ya, no birthday present….

No hugs and kisses as well >.<

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mystical ♥


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Full House.

DSC08671 Had my second visit to Full House @NZX yesterday.

DSC08672 Forest Mushroom Soup with Baked Almond.

Our favourite Cappuccino Mushroom Soup is no longer on the menu :(

DSC086801Fish fillet with Wasabi-something-like-that.

DSC086831 Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce and raisins :)

DSC08678Red Honeydew with Peach.

DSC086921 And some tarts and cakes as dessert.


To be frank, the second dining experience was not as good as the first time, I wonder why. But then, the ambience is still as good as ever. We had great time camwhoring around :)

P10306921P1030719P1030729P1030710 Special thanks to the photographer of the day, Jynn Erika!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sneak preview

of what’s coming up next…

PICT0021Have a very nice day :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

For the first time in my life, I am…..

So speechless.

I woke up early in the morning, decided to have an apple as breakfast, without knowing that was a rotten apple. Until, the nth bite, I realized the taste was different, have a look and I went, “Oh shit… &*^%#*@%". I don’t even dare to examine if there’s any worm inside. Arghh.. don’t remind me about that!

Then later in the afternoon, someone notify me that I have got unsatisfactory attendance for Entrepreneurship! What the heck is that?! And it was stated there that I may be barred from final exam. Oh god!!!!

Oh yeah, and a coursemate of my housemate was proven to be infected with A(H1N1) and their whole course got quarantined. Ahh… I am very much in the risk.

Let’s just hope not. *fingers crossed*


DSC08646More Vitamin C please.


DSC08495 Fluffy floral skirt is love  :)

p/s: The line is very the slow that even a tortoise can crawl faster!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Thank you for ruin my date!

My G.I. JOE!!!!!!!! *show sour face*

BL said, I will be regretting my whole life if I am not watching it!

*show more sour face*

Monday, August 17, 2009

Alkaloid poisoning.

Dear Dr. Anthony, is there any phytochemical effective for treating alkaloid overdose? Because I think I have had too much of them and it can be lethal @.@

DSC08638 Structures and more chemical structures!

I love drawing them though. I thought Phytochemistry is really my-cup-of-tea. Just that I realized it too late that I could not possibly change my FYP project. It’s okay anyway, I’m flexible! Both are my liking :) 

------------------------------- Back to work---------------------------------

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shaky shaky shake my head.

Oh my god.

This is so ha-ha.. I can’t stop laughing while making this.

*Don’t laugh too loud*












So ha-ha right?!

(virtual make up: fake lashes, eyebrow and blush)

Made by XiuXiu, I love you so much! You made my day.

Oh god, I should be studying Phytochem.

So, bye :)



Can you see my dream up there? You will. If you knew me enough.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Date: 02/08/09

Location: Sungai Gabai Waterfall, Hulu Langat

DSC08546Upon reaching, before hiking up the hill.

DSC08552Nice view of the waterfall.

DSC08570Cool and refreshing. I felt like not going home anymore.

DSC08563Deep inside the bamboo forest.

DSC08564 And it’s a long long way up.

DSC085521 More intensive training needed.

6612_130706567175_628222175_3256148_4149946_n Had a lot of fun! :)

Nice day!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The disappointing day.


I really did study hard for MC midterm. Really.

But it turn out to be not-so-good. Sighs.

Sipak said, DSC08615Don’t be the slave of exam.

But then, how can we not?

Boooohooooo. GG for today.

I still have Phytochemistry to come! Fighting!

It’s all about Vintage and more vintage!

You know what, I thought I have found the love of my life!

XiuXiu is just too awesome for photo-editing, which make my life like 1000000000 times easier for turning all my photos into vintage style. Just love that a lot!




Especially loving the grain-ny look of photos :)


Definitely more to come.

Hello and Goodbye.

Dear all,

Welcome to the brand new ♥Diary of Heart♥

which is now having a new name and a brand new style!

So, wave and say bye to the past!

Future is full of hope, for sure :)

With ♥ from Yours Truly.
