Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The end is another beginning

After one freaking month of suffer, sleepless, stress, tension and anxiety,

everything came to an end with a shitty paper.


I think all my efforts will be wasted again.

But who cares, neither can I.

Still, it’s a big relieve! Super big one :)

Freedom is here, but is less than one day.

Tomorrow will officially be a new start.

FYP is waiting there.

But, the taste of freedom is still good! Too good.

I’m starting to anticipate the future 3 months,

which will be full of fun,

every single moment.

Putting FYP and all those lab works aside,

I’m  so looking forward towards our cuti-cuti Malaysia

the ocassionally sing K, shopping and movie session.


Need a lot of cash though.


Inspired by Liangie, I may be posting some of my holiday resolution,

which most of the time may not be achieved,

but as a guideline or reminder for me is good isn’t it?

Yeah yeah yeah.

And I planned to keep on going exploring XiuXiu

which is like having 1000001 function that yet to be explore  :)


Sunday, September 27, 2009


It’s enough to feed on the notes.

All those graphs, diagrams and spectra can keep me full.

And I am so ‘crazily in love’ with Mass Spec.


Me is now very jealous.

very very very very very very very very very very very very very very










Enough say. Back to study.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Birthday chocolate spa.

6817_140345893258_650773258_2460981_3305264_n Happy 21st birthday Koon :)

We had a simple birthday celebration for her yesterday.


This is the fate of the birthday girl.

Chocolate all over.

6817_140345923258_650773258_2460986_3832485_n I guess having chocolate spa this way is not enjoying at all!

Betrayed by her trusty housemates.


Thanks to the guys and their after party, the chocolate cakes were all over the place. 

In the end of the day, everyone got a bit of chocolate somewhere,

as a result of the birthday girl’s revenge.



Aw aw aw, I really can’t wait to get rid of last subject of the semester,

which is sadly, another 3 days away.

My level of motivation and determination is constantly dropping,

almost reaching the minimum. Booooohooooo.


No. I decided not to look back.

Whatever it is, I have done my very best! I knew it!



Addiction is like a poison. And damn I’m addicted to him!  :(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Be right back in 7 days or less

Adore this song very much!

Penny’s It’s all about love.

So Penny  :)


Oh yea,

I’ll be right back.

Am working very very hard for Phytochemistry  :)

P1030226 As hard as this (note the facial expression)

It’s my favourite subject and I was like having extra high expectations on it.

Of course, much more efforts need to be poured in to achieve that.

7 days is all we (the kiasu bio-sapiens) need to endure!


All the best to friends who are sitting Immunology paper tomorrow.

You guys memang geng.




Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Was reading back the previous blog posts of ♥Diary of Heart♥ (my previous blog)

and came to realize that the way I blog actually changes quite significantly.

I used to write about any silly mini minor things that happened all around me,

like a dog barking at me or something like that.

Plus, I tend to flood my blog with lots of words and hell lot of pictures at times.

But now, it’s like much more simple

and is more to emotional kind of thing, with a bit of suspense.


Well, do you actually even get what I mean?

Outings posts have definitely decreased a lot.

Sometimes I’m just too lazy to take pictures and blog them out.

Time is too limited and precious that I find transferring pictures

and blogging those not really significant outings are just too time consuming.

Thus, I’m currently in an attempt to keep this bloggie sweet and simple.

And try to incorporate more of my thoughts that you may find it lame or whatever.

Start feeling bored?



Monday, September 21, 2009


Today’s so unproductive, due to the absence of caffeine.

Partly because of the weather too.

Too comfortable for studying that I’m so at risk of snoozing off.

And it proves everything :(

Love and hate caffeine.

It makes my day super productive

but at the same time, the side effects are unbearable.

Trembling hands and the increased heart beat as if Prince William is standing right in front of me;

couldn’t fall into sleep even when I am drop dead tired.




2 alphabet and a smile resembling yours

is all that need to trigger the  i-miss-you  event.

Are you doing fine?


Saturday, September 19, 2009


DSC03457 Heart my pair of white ballerina shoes.

Have some sudden cravings to get a few pairs of them home.

But it’s quite difficult to find some really soft and comfy one :(


Positive thinking do work! :)

Stated in the case study in yesterday’s paper,

Optimism is an essential quality for doing anything hard.

Agree? Life’s a lot easier that way.


Not really in the mood to study.

I guess I’m too happy last night that I forgot that the exams are not over yet.

The kids out there’s so annoying. They were playing firecrackers since dinner.

Total distraction! *mad face*


Glad that we have only 11 more days to go.

Teeeheee :)

Happy lady.

Being a happy lady for a night, leaving all the mess behind.

KLCC –Subway – Kinokuniya – Gforce – Cold storage – Station 1 – Home Sweet Home

Now sitting in front of lappie, blogging away :)

Half day of rest is acceptable right, after putting so much strain on my brain.

I’m way too stressed in the past week, to the extend that I don’t get quality sleep every night and tend to talked, even sang and sighed in the dream which is horribly terrible.

Think that I should learn to love myself more, that’s the best way to love my parents, also the best way to repay them.

Boohoo. I miss home, mum and dad, sis and bro and the darlings.

Had this as my phone’s wallpaper.

DSC05320  The lovely girls :)

DSC05317Potato Jhu :)

So sad when came to think that I’ll be missing the fun at Melacca.


No matter what, Tomorrow will be a brand new day *winks*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big sigh.

Anxiety. Insecurity. Pressure.

As the clock ticks, I am getting more and more nervous.

I thought I could do it! But no. Don’t think so.

Perhaps I am just overestimating myself.

This is too difficult!

And the only possible reason or excuse I can give is.. that..

I am old, growing older.

Hence, the heart not as strong, the brain not as good.

Just like a machine. I need maintenance.

To be exact, a break, long one.


Note to self: Never give up although it’s tough. Just try your best. Will be okay.

Monday, September 14, 2009

All time favourite


Beryl’s chocolate is damn nice can!

For no apparent reason, I still prefer dark chocolate :)

There’s another box of white chocolate left in the fridge. Anyone?

We can share the fat and cholesterol :)


p/s: Irony. I would like the time to pass faster so that exam will end faster. But, if time pass faster and I don’t have sufficient time to study then I’ll be in deep shit.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Brain juice dried up.

I need nourishment. Something to compensate the dried brain juice of mine.

I feel so stressful that I couldn’t stop eating. Chocolate especially.

Spending on food is always the best investment, as it comes back with good returns (Lai, 2009), in the form of fat and cholesterol, which is exactly the problem I’m facing at the moment. Sooner or later I will not be able to fit in any of my jeans, and I will look so fat that no one will adore me anymore. Boohoo.

But no. Diet during exam period is a big no no because the brain won’t get enough of nutrients and the study performance wouldn’t be good. So, I’m just sacrificing for the sake to maintain my CGPA. *self-console*

Not that I want to rant, but Entrepreneurship is really giving me big problem. Still I have to bear with it, I have got no choice, do I?

Whatever it is, What ever pro forma this and that I will conquer YOU!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Dear all, I’ve changed my blog template again and nearly ruin everything.

Love this layout so much! So plain, so simple. I’m loving it :)

Now, the comments are enabled. So dear readers, please kindly leave your footprints. Definitely, I understand that a chatbox is much more convenient but then, I sucks at HTML editing so.. forget about it okay?

No more Nuffnang ads as well. There gone my only income source. Hmm.. whatever.

I guess that’s all. I should get back to my books. Bye.

Genting 0909

My craving  for a short vacation came true!

The 2 days 1 night trip to the City of Entertainment was awesome!

Look at the Skyway.

DSC_3027  The outdoor theme park.

DSC_3282And more.

We were in Paris de Genting.

Spot the faux Paris tower :)

DSC_3298Not to forget the birthday celebration.

The quality time

DSC_3283eand the love that we shared is priceless.

Definitely worth sacrificing my study time.



DSC_3054e  My friends are awesome you know! :)

 I hope they felt the same way for me too.

Although I am very much emo all the time.

DSC_3055 They said, I have found the love of my life,

hence the blissful look.

I suppose that’s true. ^^

p/s: Photo credits to Mike


Till then, studies have all the priority.

Because I am aiming for four point zero this semester.

Hmmm..  no, I’m just joking.

But still, I have to study hard right?!


With love,Viv



Sorry for being missing in action.

Study is stressful, dull and boring.

But I found a damn good way to concentrate.

That’s to study in the library!

Leaving home early in the morning and staying till late evening.

Damn effective can!

But there’s still a long way to go. 18 more days!

I have to hang on there no matter what.

I have to have faith in myself.

Mum’s right.

Positive thinking helps.

I’m a grown up adult,

a little of failure and disappointment shouldn’t discourage me.

Good luck everyone :)

Have the sudden feeling of singing,

wake me up when September ends….

when final exam ends.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Irony and Me.

DSC08942It’s just so typical me, don’t you think so?

When I was just yelling for not-enough-time to study,

the next minute I was spotted having fun riding corkscrew and cyclone.

Anyway, I never regretted for tagging along. Had so much of fun.

And learnt so much!

(which I am going to elaborate more in the coming post)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Aja aja

Craving for a vacation.

Every inches of my body is telling me that I need a break.

But, there’s no way.

Since finals is just exactly 7 days away.

And it’s going to be 8 – 12, 2-6, 8-11

(FYI, my study week schedule).

More hard work needed, darling.

Please focus.


DSC08916Just think about the vacation and those fun I would have after finals!

I’m all ready.  Can’t wait for that.

26 days to go.



Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sweet 21

Really appreciate what you guys have done for me!

Surprise!  :)

DSC03810Second birthday cake ♥

DSC03825 The lovely girls.


DSC03828my  Old buddies

♥ you guys!

Special thanks to Fern and Horn Sern.

And also my ♥-ly housemates and the TeFourz and everyone!

For the efforts to make me happy.

That means a lot to me.

Promise, emo-no-more :)


p/s: Oh shit! I’m 21!  ><

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It’s the end.

The end of the semester again.

Got the Phytochemistry report done! Just in time :)

It’s the last report of the semester, also the toughest!

DSC08887 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last minute work and sleep deprivation kills.