Saturday, January 23, 2010

Short break


Taking a short break off thesis writing, and off to Ms Leong’s wedding dinner in Malacca this weekend! Long awaited! :)

Chicken rice ball, chendol, wantan mee, satay celup, here I come!!!! XD

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heavy Heart

Life is somehow unpredictable. At this minute, everything may seems fine but just for another second, we might not live to see tomorrow’s sunrise.

Over here, I would like to convey my deepest condolences to the Chung Ling Dragon Boat Tragedy victims. Rest In Peace.

The victims are brother’s friends and schoolmates. They are still so young, yet to learn the meaning of life but they’ll never have the chance to. So people, for us who have a chance to, live life and appreciate the people around us! We’ll never know what’s going to happen next.

P/s: Click *here* for more info.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weekly journal

Somehow, I have a feeling that this blog will eventually turn into a weekly journal. HAHA.

This is very much inspired by Miss KhooPeiJhu :)

And I think my writer’s block is not fully recovered yet.


Baby sits beside me everyday, I was once inspired and passionate, but now, I have to reset my mind and get a new direction. That’s a lot to learn and it takes time too.

New semester commences on Monday! OMFG. I’m pretty sure that Week One TWO and probably THREE will be all fully allocated for thesis writing! Again, the pathetic life of a final year student. It’s a process anyway. Enjoy it, should we?


Uhm uhm, can anyone ask my nose not to run anymore? It’s running like a running tap water and I can hardly breath! *suffocating*

Ok, I know this post is so random. Bear with me. Do expect a very infrequent update from me, follow my Plurk instead! *points to the right* It’ll tell you everything that happened to me. (Ok, not everything lah).

Going off to bed now (be a good girl), hope to get well soon :)

Till then~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back to reality

I hate to choose. Don’t ask me too choose between A and B. It’ll take me forever. Yes, I am indecisive like that and I think that’s a part of me that I need to improve on, seriously.

Uhm well, I’m leaving on Friday, and so it’s the official start of the Pathetic life of a Final Year Student again. Life has been toooooooo easy for me over the past three weeks; laid-back and stress-less. That’s why I think I’m going to have really very hard time coping with study life, those hectic timetable, tedious thesis writing, assignments, mid-terms and blah~

Anyway, I shall cherish all the moments no matter sweet, sour or bitter. It’s the final semester of my degree life after all. Everything is going to be so great! (cut off the emo and stress) XD

Till then. Good Day, people!

Lonely as the night is long

Lonely as the night is long


那么,我的寂寞  无上限

-  橘子 -

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blah blah blurp.

Ok. Writer’s block.

I just couldn’t come out with proper words.

Allow me to reset my brain.

and I’ll get back to you soon.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lucky Star

Welcome my new collection from Qingdao, China.

Look at the details! They’re so lovely.




Also comes in Purple! But I only got this orangie version.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yellow Little Flower


Reminds me of Jay's song. 故事的小黄花...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010!

01 January 2010

This year’s new year celebration is relatively simple, plus dull. Anyhow, simplicity is bliss, I guess. At least I got to count down to the new year with two of my favourite guys on PPS. Not too bad hmm.

Speaking about new year resolution, I failed big time in accomplishing last year’s resolution. *insert sad face* 2010 comes with even greater challenges as I am going to graduate in another 6 months time, *double sad face*

Happy or not, willing or not, this is a fact to accept.
Before that, I swear I’m going to enjoy the last six months of my uni life to the MAXXXX! :)

P.S. 2010 resolutions?! Bah~~ I’m LAZY……
PPS. Hoping to let the flame of passion keep burning :)