Friday, October 30, 2009

A mixture of everything.

Oh hello. It’s Friday!!! *phew* You don’t know how much I am looking forward to the arrival of weekends. I’m just too tired of work, I need to recharge.

This week is pretty hectic as I proceed to the second stage of my project – the biochemical tests. Extraction and running of assay took me 2 freaking days where I can be seen very busy-ly grinding the samples, centrifuging, reading absorbances and etc. Fuh~ And I was working from early morning till late evening, continuously without lunch break. So tired I can DIE.

Anyhow, I’m really glad that I have got some little progress for my project :) 


I have to apologize to all my friends if I am not behaving very well. I have really bad EQ that I’m showing all the emotional fluctuations. If I really do annoyed anyone of you, I have to say that I am not doing this on purpose. Sorry.


The disappointment arises as I realized that you are no difference at all than the others, you don’t care about my feelings at all when I expect you to. That hurts more than anything else. But *pause* I know you are not doing that on purpose. Else, why do you even bother to offer a talk? And so, you are forgiven.


I’m finally achieving this stage of ‘no one is reading my blog’ Yahoooo. It’s actually good. So that I can share more private stuffs perhaps?


P.S. I was like writing a summary of what-happened-to-me-this week. Pretty random and boring I know. My life is dull like that.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Betrayal hurts.

Too much of disappointment.

I need a change in perspective.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Feeling blue

Oh sigh, why is it Monday again? I have not had enough rest yet. *blues*

I’m feeling so reluctant to start working again. It felt so tired, both physically and mentally. I’m getting upset, and the feeling of disappointment strikes. Perhaps I should just stay strong, whatever hardship will be overcome eventually. Or maybe for the sake of the ‘scholarship’ that I may be getting, I should strive for it.


It has been quite some time since I took good photos. Hectic life has taken over all my free time and passion. Whenever I’m free, I would rather stay in the bed, slacking. Even shopping and movie couldn’t motivate me.

No way, I don’t want to live life like this. I miss picking up the camera and go shoot some stupid silly mini minor stuffs that makes me happy. I miss home. I miss pillow-talking session. I miss spending time together with him. I miss everything, the good old days. If there were a fairy to grant me a few wishes, those are the wishes! Fairy godmother, could you hear me?


yuiiTwo weeks ago, I finally cannot-tahan my hair anymore that I went for a hair do. The so called soft rebonding cost me a freaking RM300. I felt so pain for my purse, not to mention that my hair is much more shorter than the initial length :(

But now, I kind of love my silky smooth hair. So easy to manage that there’s one morning that I went Uni without combing my hair, but still looking tidy. Besides, it looks very natural so I guess the 300 bucks worth it all.


p/s: Wish me lots of luck for the coming week.

pp/s: Wish my baby Oryza grow well too. Muah.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Places We Went – Kuching 1009

Day 1 a







Simply travel around Kuching City. Visted the Sarawak Museum and had a boat ride crossing the Sarawak river. We missed the chance of visiting the Ford Magarita as it started to pour in the late evening. What a waste.

Day 2 smm



Went to the Semmengoh Wild Life Center. Got a chance to see Orang Utan carrying babies, close up! Next, headed to the Jong’s Crocodile Farm for the ‘Jumping Crocs’ performance.




Headed to Damai beach in the late afternoon for one night stay. Beach vacation is love! We stayed in Damai Puri Beach Resort. Extremely loving the environment! The pool, the beach, the cliffs. Definitely worth paying the price :)

Day 3ertko



Some camwhoring session around the resort before leaving for the Cultural Village.

iuy  iui

ty inm op 

Day 4

df yy qwer

Obligatory camwhore session with the cat statues, visited the Cat Museum and the Malaysia-China Friendship Garden since the initial plan to visit Bako National Park was cancelled.

Day 4, also our last day in Kuching. Hence, we stuffed ourselves with a few more dishes of kueh chap, kolo mee and Teh C special.

Day 5

Leaving in a jet plane. Back to reality. And this marked the end of our short vacation to East Malaysia. Hoping for another visit to Sarawak. Mulu/Niah is my first choice :)

* Special thanks to Ai Sieng and family *

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ms. Popeye

Need strength.

*stuff self with lots of spinach*

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have to rant, this is a MUST.

Things are not going well lately.

I’m facing different kinds of problems each day that challenges my self-esteem and confidence.

Failure in work, stupid so-called jokes by people around makes my life further miserable.

Don’t blame me for not being appreciative.

Don’t  even mention that I’m too serious and couldn’t take jokes.

Because, everything has a limit.

You are not me that’s why you don’t even feel a single inch of what I am feeling.

Do you get me?!

If you would like to make fun of me or whatever, I’m absolutely fine with it. But at a right timing.

And please, don’t go too far. Think about me, would you?

I’m totally disappointed at self.

I promised not to care about whatever shit whoever is talking about.

I’m acting deaf and mute as if I’m ignorance of whatever that happened.

But, does that mean that nothing has happened?!

It still hurt so much and the feeling is so SUCK!

I’m not born for that purpose.

Someone told me that to told someone to shut up is extremely rude.

Still I have to say,


I’m born to be loved.

If you don’t love me then shut up.

Thank you.


p/s: The you may be you or may not be, so don’t think too much unless you think that you are the you whom I am referring to.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Key of Love


Do you still remember me?
Won’t you know that you’re the one who used to be so closed to me?

Every door has a key
Let me open up your heart and lead you to the sky behind

If we try, we will find our paradise

In your eyes I can see the lonely sky
With reflections of the clouds where you wanna hide

Let it shine,so bright that I can read your mind
I wanna tell you, I will live my whole life through loving you

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Sushi King Promotion! Yums.


Being a typical kiasu me, I can’t stop stuffing myself with lots of sushi.

Sighs. Again, diet plan is a major failure  :(


Semester final exam result checked.

Too bad, no four point zero.

Slightly deviated from the target.

Still, I’m delighted.

Shall work even harder the coming semester!

Move move move.

Thoughts of the day:

I kind of suck at planning :(

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For money and knowledge

Despite the hectic routine of FYP, I’m actually working part-time for now.

Erm, not exactly.

It is actually a 2-months training program by the government for retrenched workers and undergraduates like us.

The main point is, trainee will be given RM500 allowance per month.

Get to learn and get paid at the same time. So, why not?

Say me money face, I need money so badly.

My facial cleanser, toner and etc is running out.

And I always wanted to get a boyfriend blazer, a few more cute Tees and off-shoulder.

All these need money and more money.

Got motivation now :)


Results is out.


For no apparent reason, I have quite a high expectation but I’m fear of disappointment.

Let’s pray.


Sushi King for tomorrow.

Shopping on weekend anyone?


p/s: Updates on Kuching trip will be on weekend.

pp/s: Sore throat is going to kill me.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A perfect gateway

Vacation is always good, don’t you think so?

qqab Loving sunny and blue-y, the elements of my perfect gateway :)

I nearly burnt down the lab!

No la, I’m exaggerating.

It happened when I flamed my forceps and dipped them into a small beaker containing ethanol. Then, it started to flame but I never noticed that until the hot beaker hurts my hands when I touched it. Then only I realized that it was flaming! Omfg, I was so terrified I yelled for the master students around for assistance. So horribly terrible :(

I hope my baby Oryza don’t contaminate anymore lah, please please.

Else I’ll be too shameful to see Dr. Anna.

You know what, there’s no point for regretting. Instead, persistence is most needed.

I don’t mind if to work 100 times harder, at least allow me to obtain a presentable result.

That’s all I’m asking for. Lots of bless needed.




In case you think I have blocked you in msn,

please be informed that you are not.

Simply because I have not signed in Live Messenger for a month already.

Thanks and bye.

Monday, October 12, 2009

This is a rant.

My day started bad. Extremely.

Do you still expect me to smile when I got 100% of my cultures contaminated?

You must be kidding me.

It’s fine, after all, contamination in tissue cultures is unavoidable.

The worse part came in when my pride was trashed, which is totally unacceptable.

This feeling sucks so much.

Like it’s what I want, please, I have not control over it either.

From tomorrow onwards, whatever anyone is going to say will be fine for me,

as I am going to act numb and deaf.

Why the heck ruin my day because of these silly words of others?

I deserve more happiness.

I need you to tell me it’s fine.

and a warm hug.

But you are miles away.

And I have to make it through by my own.

So, stay strong.

Danger of exceeding 50

Eh eh, I’m back from the land of hornbill, the city of cat!

It was a very fun trip.

But sadly, I have put on some weight and a lot tanner now :(

I must say that I have found some of my favourite food in Kuching.

Yums yums

bb Kolo Mee. Me love!

c  Belacan Beehoon tasted not bad!

l Sarawak laksa.

h Nasi Ayam Penyet.

bbb Rojak.

d A kind of Fuchow cuisine. Nicey!

b ABC Special :)

nTeh C peng Special is the best of all! Especially the one in Carpenter Street.

Yeah, and Kueh Chap is my our fav! Teehee.

Now you see the reason of weight gaining right.

Yet, I couldn’t stop eating. Eating the layer cake I bought from the Sunday Market.


Monday, October 5, 2009

This is not a rant

Oh. I’m tired.

You know, I try not to complain. But I need to.

To make myself feel better and to have some kind of force to push me forward.

The next thing I should pray for is that my baby Oryza could grow healthily without any traces of contamination, though my aseptic technique is like so poor  :(

I must not be beaten by fungus and bacteria. Out of my way!!!! ROAR

I am progressing very slow  * double :( *

I was left so far behind my initial target and doubt that I could get the first set done by tomorrow before I board the plane.

Got to add oil anyway.

Shall try my best! *show determine face*

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How should I allocate the loves?


Though I can see lots of problems developing now, but I’ll find ways to the solution.

The key is to never give up!

Eliminate the blur-ness and the clumsiness

And increase skillfulness and efficiency.


Semester break resolution or to-be-accomplish list:

  Have all my love and efforts for FYP.

  Healthy lifestyle and diet.

  Cherishing the moments of friendship.

  Proper financial plan  :)

  Birthday surprises for XX

Improve photography skill (only if I manage to get a camera by this year)

  Family trip to GuangZhou/Hong Kong/Macau

  Complete FYP lab work, latest before Christmas??!! (Totally unsure)

  Year end Langkawi trip  :)

and a lot more.



Note to Dear baby Oryza

Please be obedient ok! I promise I won’t give up,

so don’t you ever give up growing too.

Friday, October 2, 2009

You can recycle and use it for a lifetime.

p/s: Irrelevant title. It’s a quote from Dr T, so classical that no one could ever forget.

Today is the official start of semester break.

Sadly, there’ll be NO break for a pathetic final year student like me.

Have been spending my whole lovely day in the lab, 9am –5pm just ou can like any other office lady. Even it was just medium preparation, I thought we have underestimate the amount of work load involved. The preparation steps are tedious and lots of problem solving skills needed which is like only 0.01% of the entire challenges and problems we have to overcome throughout the whole period. So, patience, enthusiasm and extra hard work is essential. *self motivating* :)

Anyhow, I love how the campus look like, which is extraordinarily quite and peaceful. The pine trees are still there, standing. We have a lovely campus in FES. I noticed that there were more greenish and flowers growing along the path we used to take. They may be unnoticeable to others, but I’ve always thought that they’re pretty attractive :)


Housemates are going for a 2D 1N trip to Cameron Highlands tomorrow which I wish to tag along so so much but couldn’t due to FYP. Should I complain? No. Of course not. Remember the priority?

It’s okay because I will be flying in *counting* another 6 days!

Yes!!! I am going to fly! (in an airplane of course) :) Anticipation is love! Wuahaha.

And Daddy is sponsoring my trip! Muacks muacks muacks ♥

 I ♥ you dad! and mum too :)

It’s holiday, although not really is. I have plenty of free time!

Ironically, I have got nothing to do because I am running out of drama!!!! @@

Therefore, more time is going to be spend on blogging hence the lengthy post.

SO, just what you guys are interested in? do let me know.

Oh *yawn*

bed time. Nights darlings!